Laser Lipo

How Does It Work?

Laser Lipo technology works with a patented cold laser conductor. Originally designed to speed up healing doctors noticed that the technology could also liquefy fat cells painlessly. In contrast to Liposuction, the non-invasive Laser Lipo does not remove the fat cell, it drains it. It is safe, painless and completely non-invasive.

Laser Lipo

Where Does The Fat Go?

Laser Lipo treatments result in the liquefication of fats, the liquefied fat is then drained through lymph drainage. The effectiveness of fat drainage during and after treatment is dependent on proper functioning of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing wastes from their body.

What Happens After Treatment?

One can resume normal activities immediately as the Laser Lipo is completely non-invasive with no down time whatsoever. After treatment, it is encouraged that you do some sort of cardio activity to move things along. E.g Use a whole body vibration machine, jumping on a mini trampoline, Stairmaster, treadmill or a brisk walk.

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What Results Can You Expect?

Maler and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots, such as love handles, tummy bulge and saddlebags can be treated quite significantly within just a few treatments.

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Price List

Brazilian bum lift £49.99
1 area £39.99
2 areas (ie: upper & lower stomach) £59.99
Outer thighs £49.99
3 areas £79.99
4 areas £99.99
Full body £149.99
Arms £39.99
Cellulite legs (front or back) £49.99
Inner thighs £39.99
Chin £29.99
Neck & chin £39.99
Non surgical face lift £54.99